Thursday, September 27, 2012

It's the Simple Things That Matter Most!

Flower Bear


Lisa O. Engelhardt

When I think about my life,
And my blessings, great and small,
I know the things that matter most
Aren't really "things" at all.

For the bounty and the beauty
In my life that I most treasure
Are simple, daily blessings
I cannot count or measure...

My family tucked in at night,
A hand to squeeze and hold,
The miracle of watching
My children's lives unfold...

Friends who love me as I am,
And through their love impart
Courage for my journey, and
A glimpse of God's own heart.

The gifts of mindfulness,
to slow down and surrender
to a brilliant afternoon
Aglow with nature's splendor...

Life's radiance inspirits
Every day anew.
And everywhere I look,
I see God's blessings shining through.

It's true that I don't have
All those "things" I'm longing for,
But I have all I need to live,
And ever so much more.

God's simple, daily gifts confirm
The truth that I embrace;
Just to be is blessing;
Just to live is grace. 

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